What Does Ringworm Look Like on a Dog?

Shockingly, ringworm is not in the same category as roundworm, hookworm, or tapeworm. Not actually a worm at all, this fungus leaves semi-circular or circular bald spots and rashes on the skin. Ringworm is a fungal infection that gets its name from the worm-like ring-like shape seen on raised and red skin rashes.

What does ringworm look like on a dog?

Ringworm characteristically emerges in a circular or ring-shaped pattern on the skin, generally causing the skin to turn red, swell up, and lose hair.

Ringworm in your dog may not present itself such a clear manner, so you should keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Red, inflamed skin rash
  • Scales that look like dandruff
  • Brittle, dry hair with hair follicles that break easily
  • Patchy or circular areas of hair loss
  • Reddened skin
  • Darkened skin
  • Raised or scabs nodular lesions on the skin
  • Inflamed folds of the skin around the claws, or bordering

Can I get ringworm from my pets?

The fungi that cause ringworm can be spread from person to person, from animal to human, and even from human to animal. In both humans and animals, fit adults are somewhat resistant to ringworm, but young animals and kids are quite susceptible. Fit adults can still get ringworm, but generally the infection is mild and resolves immediately.

These fungi can also survive in the atmosphere, on contaminated collars, bedding, blankets, and other items that may have been in contact with an infected animal. The fungi can be killed by washing the item with a solution of chlorine bleach.

How to diagnose it

The Arkfeld Pro Flat UV flashlight can be used to diagnose ringworm by taking benefit of the fungus fluorescent features under UV light. To diagnose ringworm with the Arkfeld UV:

  • Check the suspected infected area in a dark room, shinning the UV torch on the skin.
  • If ringworm is present, the infected area will glow under the UV light, making it easily noticeable.
  • The UV light permits detection of ringworm even under thick hair on pets.
  • Once diagnosed, antifungal treatment can be shared on time to clear the infection

The Arkfeld UV’s compact size and rechargeable battery make it a convenient tool for veterinarians and pet owners to quickly screen for ringworm in animals

How it is treated

Treatment depends on how big the infection is, whether the dog has any health issues that are compromising its immune feature, how many pets are affected, and whether there are kids in the household. Treatment option contains the following:

Antifungal shampoo

There are many antifungal shampoos accessible. The most successful technique is to bathe your dog using one of these shampoos every other day for 3 treatments. You should also bathe any exposed but unaffected pets once. When using an antifungal shampoo, lather up the skin over the dogs full body and leave it for five minutes before fully rinsing the dog.

Lime sulfur dip

Lime sulfur is a foul-smelling but affordable and successful antifungal product. When using this treatment, fully soak the dogs coat with line surfer twice a week for two weeks. Line sulfur dip, then once a week for another four to six weeks, be sure to wear gloves when applying this dip, apart from the rotten egg odor, line sulfur can dull jewelry.

Topical antifungal cream

Topical antifungal creams are used only to the ringworm lesions. The usual advice is to use the cream once daily for ten days, and rub it well into the skin. Take care when treating lesions near to the dog’s eye. It is also best idea to use an antifungal shampoo or dip to remove any fungal spores from the dog’s coat.

Oral antifungal drug

Griseofulvin is an antifungal drug that can be given orally as a tablet. Once absorbed from the intestine, the drug is delivered to the skin where it damages the fungi living deep within the hair follicles. The drug is given daily for at least thirty days.

This drug is not well engaged from the intestine unless it is given with a fatty meal. The general advice is to give the tablets with a little amount of high-fat food, such as rich canned dog food, some cream, and fat from meat trimmings. Some dogs cannot tolerate even a little fatty meal. So be sure to your veterinarian known if fat use has caused an issue for your dog or if your dog has pancreatitis in the past.

Preventing spread

Ringworm in dogs is not as infectious as it is in cats, but until their infection has cleared up, it is sensible to take precautions to stop it spreading. Wear disposable gloves when handling and treating your pet, and if possible, try to keep them away from other pets in the home until they have recovered.


It can take a few weeks to treat ringworm, but treatment is successful in most cases. Anyway, ringworm can be persistent so you will need to keep an eye for any returning signs. Some dogs develop ringworm when they are “run-down” by another sickness, so if your pet is struggling to recover, your vet may want to run some tests to check for other issues.

Can human gets ringworm?

Yes, humans can catch ringworm in the same way animals can. If you believe you might have ringworm, contact your local health care services.


Treatment for ringworm can become extremely costly because it generally needs a many weeks of treatment, check-ups and tests. It is vital to speak openly to your vet about your finances, the treatment cost, as well as what you think is right for your dog. There are often generally many treatment options so if one does not work for you and your pet than the vet may be capable to provide another.

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